This website is dedicated to Solar Astronomy conducted by Karachi Astronomers’ Society (KAS). KAS is a group of mostly amateur astronomers in Karachi. It is a public group and is open for all enthusiasts of astronomy. KAS invites everyone to its events that involves star parties, telescope making and astronomical discussion sessions.
We have more than 100 premium members, 800+ website members and 8000+ facebook fans. If you want to become a premium member, kindly drop an email at contact@kaasts.com.
KAS-Solar Astronomy Project
Sajjad Ahmad, a member of KAS core team is a great admirer of the beauty of Sun, our own star. Started with BAADER solar safety filter, his passion towards solar astronomy led him to the purchase of H-alpha dedicated solar telescope. Read more on the equipment here.
Few years back, Sajjad (aka Daytime Astronomer) being seriously involved in public/private solar observation sessions and solar imaging, started a new era of solar outreach in Karachi, though KAS has conducted a few solar events before.
He joined hands with Abubaker Siddiq (Co-founder, GS) to shape the concept of establishing a solar astronomy chapter of Karachi Astronomers Society. This is an inspiration from Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project (CBSAP) and their efforts for promoting science through astronomy around the globe.
We all can and we are changing the world through science and astronomy.
Solar Outreach Events
We have arranged various public and private solar outreach events in Karachi.